Don’t Think!   1 comment

I know that doesn’t sound too appealing at the moment, but that’s the solution to most problems.  Now, I know that, THAT sounds strange as well… but well let me just get there.

Sometimes, we think too much,  “too much” being the keywords,  one thought leads to another and we reach no conclusion.  I used to be the kind of the person who used to go with the flow.  Let things happen as they do, and it depended on me how I took them.  But gradually, I am becoming one of the Thinkers.  By a Thinker, I mean a person who contemplates a lot.  Thinking is not a bad thing, but it has to be positive.  Sometimes when somebody thinks too much, it turns into negative thinking  as well.  Especially when you are going through a bad time. 

Everything takes time.  You cannot get what you want instantly.  You have to be positive and trust God as well.  You have to go with the flow.  Let things happen to you and don’t think too much, because it will do nothing.  You have to take action yourself.  When you have a problem, stop obsessing over it and do something about it.   Because once you get into action, you stop thinking and let your creative juices flow in the positive direction.

Do not think about what people say, as most of it is meaningless.  Listen to everybody, but you don’t have to necessarily follow or take to heart  what they say.  One of the most useful “powers” you can have is to listen and ignore.  Like they say, ignorance is bliss.  Unfortunately, that’s easier said than done.

It is much easier when you take people literally… do not read between the lines.  “Is that what he meant by that…?”

“Did she mean what I think she meant?”

These questions will induce negative thoughts.  Just be straightforward, and hear what people say to you, do not look for a hidden meaning.  That makes life so much easier for you.  And people less negative.  Often, people do not even mean anything.  They just say things and you do not want to misunderstand.  When you tend to do so, just ask straight out what the person means. 

This world is full of so many beautiful things, and it would be so much more healthy if we thought about prettier things, like the flowers, the sky and the sun shining.  Think about all the good things you have.   Think about the birds singing a lovely song for you.   Do not stress your brain with over-contemplating, instead just relax and go with the flow.

Posted July 16, 2010 by nadiamf in Life, some aspects of mine :)

One response to “Don’t Think!

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  1. Very nice post…

    Sometimes people do mean what you think they mean.. Sometimes people are just being “mean”.. but even if that is the case.. who actually cares about people??!! 🙂

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